It’s important to learn how to add Google AdSense to your WordPress site, as it’s a great way to make money while you blog. In this article, we’ll show you how to do it in 5 simple steps.
√ Step One – Locate And Download The Google AdSense Plugin:
To add Google AdSense to your WordPress site, you first need to locate and download the plugin. The plugin can be found at the WordPress plugin repository on the WordPress.org website. After you locate and download the plugin, you will need to install it on your WordPress site. To install the plugin, simply click on the install button and follow the instructions.
Once you have installed the plugin, you are required to configure it properly. To do this, open the Google AdSense plugin settings page and click on the Edit link next to the Google AdSense row in the sidebar. This will open a new window with further settings options.
In addition to setting up your ad campaign preferences, you will also need to set up your Google Analytics account credentials. To do this, click on the Settings link next to the Google AdSense row and enter your Analytics account information. Finally, make sure that your site is authorized for ads by clicking on the Authorize Ads button.
Once everything is set up, you are ready to start adding ads to your WordPress site!
√ Step Two- Activate The Plugin:
To add Google AdSense to your WordPress site, you will first need to activate the plugin. To do this, follow these steps:
1.) Log in to your WordPress site.
2.) Go to the Plugins page.
3.) Click on the Add New link.
4.) On the Add New Plugin page, click on the Google AdSense category.
5.) On the Google AdSense plugin page, click on the Activate button.
6.) Your Google AdSense plugin will now be activated.
√ Step Three – Choose Your Network:
Google AdSense is a program that allows you to make money from ads that appear on your website. Google AdSense is available in two different types of networks: the standard network and the premium network.
To choose which network to join, first step is to decide what type of site you want to create. If you want to create a freestanding website that will be used as a marketing tool, then the standard network is best for you. If you want to create an e-commerce site, then the premium network is best for you.
Once you have decided which network to join, login to your Google AdSense account and click on the Networking tab. This tab will show you which networks are available to join. The next step is to decide which network is best for your site.
The standard network is good for websites that are used as marketing tools, such as blogs or ecommerce sites. The premium network is good for websites that are used as platforms for selling products, such as online stores or web portals.
√ Step Four – Configure Your AdSense Account:
In order to add Google AdSense to your WordPress site, you first need to create an account with Google AdSense. To do this, visit the Google AdSense website and sign in.
Once you have signed in, you will be taken to the Accounts overview page. In this area, you will see listings of all of your current accounts. Click on the link next to your WordPress site name to open the site’s configuration page.
The configuration page for WordPress sites is very similar to the configuration pages for other Google Ads accounts. You will need to provide your Site ID and your Secret Key.
These values are unique to each WordPress site and cannot be copied or shared between sites.
Next, you will need to enable Adsense on your WordPress site. To do this, click on the green checkbox next to Enable Adsense and provide your Site ID and Secret Key as described above.
After you have enabled Adsense, you will need to configure your ad layout. This is where you decide which ads will appear on your WordPress site and how they will be displayed. You can configure your ad layout using the Ads Manager interface or by editing the wp-config.php file directly.
Google Ad
√ Step Five – Create And Publish Your Ads:
To add Google AdSense to your WordPress site, follow steps five and six of the Google AdSense Setup Guide. After you’ve completed these steps, you’ll be able to publish your ads and start earning money!
In step five, you’ll create a new AdSense account. This account will be used to manage your ads and payments. You’ll also need this account if you want to cancel or edit your ads.
In step six, you’ll publish your ads. This will show the ads to people who are searching for things that match your keywords. You can choose how long the ad will stay on the page, and you can control how much money you earn from it each month.
Final Words:
Google AdSense is a program that permits website owners or webmasters to earn alot of income just by displaying advertisements on their website pages. When you have Google adsense, it’s also important to learn how to get traffic to your website inorder to earn more money.
Adding Google AdSense to your WordPress site is a relatively easy process. Here are the steps you need to take:
1.) First, you need to sign up for an account with Google.
2.) Once you have an account, click on the “Adsense” tab in the left-hand navigation menu.
3.) On the Adsense page, you will need to enter your website’s URL and select the category of ads you would like to use.
4.) Next, you will need to set your budget and choose the targeting options for your ads. You can target people based on their location, age, or gender.
5.) Finally, click on the “Create Campaign” button to begin setting up your ads.